Deeper & Higher
in Christ
For the eagerly waiting creation
waits for the revealing of the sons and daughters of God.
Romans 8:19
Launching teens toward the holistic fullness
of their potential in Christ
Topics include:
Union Life
The foundational importance of living in union with Christ; grounded in the Word and being lead by His Spirit
Understanding one’s strengths, skills, natural abilities, and spiritual giftings
Kingdom Transformation
How to follow God in using one’s strengths, skills, abilities and gifitngs to bring culturally relevant, Kingdom healing and transformation among all areas of society
The Team
We are a network of interdenominational, like-minded, Christians of all ages, who long to see God’s fullness expressed through the younger generation, and the working together across generations. We want to see His Kingdom come, His Spirit poured out on all flesh, and the next generation equipped with a firm foundation, ready to run with God into all He has planned!

Dr. Karissa Glanville Ross – teacher, speaker, author, and expert in Children’s Spirituality. Karissa has been working with, and mentoring, children and youth for decades in a variety of settings, both formal and informal. From schools, to small groups, children’s church and even through novels, her goal has been to see young people reach the fullness of their potential in Christ…and have fun along the way! She has received a BA in Social Work, Teaching Credential, MDiv, and a PhD in Intercultural Studies with an emphasis on Children’s Spirituality. But don’t let the titles fool you. She’s an imaginative child at heart, who would much rather live in a tree house. Her books can be found at www.KRoss.ink.

Lowell Ross – architect, mentor, blacksmith. Lowell is a well-respected architect in all genres of building and is part owner of a highly regarded Colorado Springs architectural firm, and long-time resident of the Colorado Springs area. He is a loving father of three, has a deep passion for mentoring others, and has mentored many through the ministry, Celebrate Recovery. Lowell has worked on a camp, and in numerous outdoor settings, run his own business, spent time doing mission work through architecture in India, and with youth in Europe. He is also a skilled blacksmith, mechanic, and antique machinist.

My son has learned so much.
He always wants to come back!

The Dream
We are in the process of establishing the camp in the Colorado Springs area. Our desire is to have the camp on a completely sustainable property, where new and old technologies are brought together in a “back to the garden” way of life. We want to be a service to the community around us, and a training ground for the next generation of culture transformers.